Tansy in the Wild

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I had a bad cold last week and do you know what? I was actually pleased.

Our immune systems have been so redundant over the past 18 months with all the isolation and hand sanitising. We have not been able to pick up those small harmless bugs that allow our immune systems to go to work and build up resilience. Having a cold was a great opportunity for my body to gain immune-boosting strength despite feeling a bit rubbish. ( I also took plenty of flow tests and even a PCR test to be sure it wasn't that and thankfully it was just a good old-fashioned cold.)


Whenever I get a cold or feel under the weather the first medicine I think about taking is vitamin N (for Nature). It may sound counterproductive to get outside when you have a cold but believe me, it's so so good for you to wrap up warm and get outside to breathe deeply and fill your lungs with all the goodness that Mother Nature provides and surround yourself with the healing colour of green.

Not buying it?

Here's a bit of science to that so you know I'm not just giving you some woo-woo prescription.


Back in the early 2000's, the Japanese decided to carry out extensive research on Forest Bathing. It is a practice they have been medically prescribing since the '80s that was based on their intuition, and they were ready to back it up with science.

The results confirmed what they intuitively knew, and showed that spending mindful time in Nature can lower blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol levels. What they also discovered is that this practice also increases the body's natural killer cells ( the cells used to fight off infections, bugs and viruses). This is all down to tiny particles called phytoncides that trees emit into the air to ward off bacteria, insects or infection. Scientists learned that when humans breathe in those microscopic particles it increases our natural killer cells which in turn strengthens and boosts our immune system.

So not only do trees give us our breath, they also support our immune systems.

Worth giving them a hug for that I reckon!


The body has 7 major energy centres known as the Chakras, a discovery made thousands of years ago in India and recently backed up with scientific proof. These chakras run in an almost straight line from the crown of the head down to the perineum. Each one has a specific colour and is responsible for a different emotional, mental and physical aspect of the human body.

The energy centre located by our hearts is called Anahata and is the colour Green. This chakra is responsible for our love and compassion for the self and others and is also the energy centre of trust and balance. In the physical sense, this energy centre is responsible for the heart, lungs, arms, hands and the thymus which is a gland responsible for creating immune-boosting cells.


When working with these energy centres, it’s common to work with the colour it is represented by. I don't think it’s any coincidence therefore that the ancient wisdom of the Hindus gave the heart chakra the core colour of Nature. To boost this centre you should surround yourself with green and what better way than by getting out into the woods, parks and fields. It’s the reason why green is recommended as a colour to have at home or at work because it’s the most restful and relaxing colour for the eye.

Believe me now???


As the nights get longer and you have less exposure to light it's so important to step up your self-care and well-being practices to maintain a healthy immune system and resilient emotional health.

I have all sorts of vitamins at home that I very often forget to take but Vitamin N is one I always make sure I consume. Getting a Nature fix at this time of year is hugely beneficial and here is a little exercise you can do while you are out walking to supercharge your wellbeing.


  • Pick a place where you see an abundance of green colours either in the forest, a field or a local park.

  • Stand with your feet hip-width apart so you feel strong and balanced.

  • Bring your attention to your breath, observing the journey, flow and movements that happen subtly as you breathe.

  • Without forcing the breath see if you are able to lengthen and deepen it a little more so that you receive more benefit from the goodness of the air around you.

  • Now begin to look around you at all the shades of green.

  • As you breathe in, imagine you are breathing these shades of green directly into your heart centre.

  • Imagine the heart pulling in the air from Nature, filling your lungs and energising your whole body.

  • As you breathe in the green around you imagine your whole body filling with the colour green and supercharging your health and wellbeing.

  • Connect to a sense of gratitude for the breath that Nature provides for you. As you breathe out offer your breath as a gift in return so that Nature can continue to grow with the energy of your carbon dioxide.

  • Do this exercise for as long as you like. It can be 5 mins or 30 mins. Just go with your own flow!

So when are you going to take your Vitamin N? Get your friends out with you to add in some extra feel-good vibes and loving connections.

Mother Nature has her medicine waiting for you anytime!

Click here to view my upcoming events that will provide a beautiful Nature fix!