โ€œWe often forget that we are nature. Nature is not something separate from us. So when we say that we have lost our connection to nature, weโ€™ve lost our connection to ourselves.โ€

- Andy Goldsworthy

Do you ever feel like you have lost your sense of self or feel disconnected from yourself?

Watch this short video about my own journey of discovery with Natureโ€ฆ.

My Personal Journey

In 2015 I was lost.

Iโ€™d moved out of London after living there for 25 years, Iโ€™d had my first child and was struggling with my new role of Motherhood and the stark transition from leaving a high pressured career. I was supporting and caring for seriously ill family members and had enrolled on a coaching course to see if I could set up my own business, but felt completely overwhelmed by it.

I felt a million miles away from the Tansy I was familiar with and couldn't see a pathway home to myself.

Until I followed a pathway into Nature.

Discovering and cultivating a connection with Nature changed everything for me. The journey I have been on with Nature to reconnect with myself has allowed me to uncover a much fuller and truer sense of self. Nature has held a compassionate, non-judgmental space where I can be myself freely with no expectations or conditions and explore who I am and who I want to be. 

Nature has been one of my greatest teachers

And has allowed me to unfold, expand and shed unwanted layers that previously prevented me from living my life to a fuller potential. Nature has offered sanctuary and solace when Iโ€™ve needed support through tough times, deep wisdom and insight in times of growth and exploration and a constant supply of nourishment and wellbeing to keep me grounded and healthy throughout my days. 

Remembering that I AM NATURE has allowed me to let go of the myriad of false expectations and social constructs found in the human world that keep us in boxes, playing small or masking to try and fit in.

Nature has shown me the way toโ€ฆ

Peace, harmony, clarity, belonging, compassion, wonder, gratitude, creativity, acceptance and a deep connection to myself and the magical web of life I am part of on this planet.

It is because of this incredible discovery and journey with Nature that I am now dedicated to guiding others into Nature to support them in discovering their own connection, wellbeing and inner true Nature..

Professional Journey

I used to think my career journey was messy and yet now I see how so much of it has helped shape where I am today and has come together like unknown pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

I have a BA Hons in Dance

I had a 12-year career in Event Management

I taught English in China for a year whilst also studying Kung Fu and Tai Chi

Iโ€™m an internationally accredited Life Coach

I am a TEDx Speaker (watch my TEDx Talk here)

A Certified Forest Bathing and Natural Mindfulness Guide

I have training certificates in Reiki, Meditation, Foraging and First Aid

When I left uni I desperately wanted to do an MA in Dance Movement Therapy but couldn't finance the studies. I continued my love of embodied movement practice in China but then completely disconnected from my body during my high pressured and hedonistic career in London.

When I set out to become a Life Coach I had no idea I would end up walking with clients or that my entire business would be based on being outside walking alongside others for wellbeing and personal growth.

I love that I intuitively followed nudges and my heart and returned to my body through discovering the embodied practices of mindful walking, forest bathing and intuitive walk-and-talk therapeutic coaching.

I believe deeply in the practice and wisdom of embodiment and have found connection to Nature to be a simple yet powerful way to reconnect with the self, the body and with a magical bigger picture. 

Do you ever feel like you have lost your sense of self or have lost a connection with yourself?

Join me for a group walk